A sorrid tale told from one perspective:
It was a last minute double date type deal. I was with my homegirl, he had brought his friend. We had been hanging out for a couple hours, both men were of the handsome variety, shots of Jameson were consumed, and soon after we were all in a cab on our way to the dudes (SHARED) loft.
Background boy info: Sex with this dude was weird. It wasn't bad at all, just WEIRD AS FUCK. No foreplay, no cuddles, and I would get the hell out of that house as soon as the sun came up. I had previously compared boning this particular dude to two burly men getting it on in prison. It was something out of Oz for sure.
Fast forward: I'm a loud lady. The last time we had hooked up, the entire house had heard and the guy had told me about it the next morning. This time wasn't any different though, and I knew my homegirl was on the other side of the house with dude #2.
So we bone for awhile, I'm loud, I leave in the morning, and the entire time I'm wondering what happened with my friend and dude #2... TO BE CONTINUED.
- Claptrap
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