Saturday, November 27, 2010

in full like mode

dammit i am actually starting to REALLY like the dude i'm seeing! this is terrible! i've tried very hard not to get attached to anyone since breaking up with the ex. he was so horrible to me and left me utterly brokenhearted. hence the night time friends. no strings, just fun times and LOTS of sex. i am honestly quite scared about this whole situation. i don't know if  i'm ready to be in a relationship with anyone and don't want to turn into a clingy, jealous, suspicious girlfriend just because of things that have happened in past relationships. i predict i will probably self sabotage things with this dude so he can't hurt me first. BLERG!

- pussy galore

1 comment:

  1. Awwww cuties! I say go for it. TBone (are we both calling him that or is it just me? did that nickname ever catch on??) is more woman than both of us combined (girl, you've spilled the beans on some of shit he does). I DOUBT he will purposely try to hurt you. Just try to keep YOUR crazy on Code Orange level (refer to the over analyzing blog).
