Monday, November 29, 2010

A quaint little conversation....

Pussy Galore and I were talking about Pop Pop (here's a description), and why I never boned him. 

Claptrap:  Damn Pop Pop.
Pussy Galore:  Why?  So nice he is.
Claptrap:  He was just so weird!  Still had no idea if he liked me or not.  Crusty old man!
Pussy Galore:  You shoulda just boned him.
Pussy Galore:  HA!!!!!!!  Lol.
Claptrap:  Dudeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee there was no way in a million years I would ever seduce that one.
Claptrap:  I would have done it for free bacon and booze.
Claptrap:  Not because I was sexually attracted to him.
Pussy Galore:  I've done it for less.


Claptrap OUT!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

in full like mode

dammit i am actually starting to REALLY like the dude i'm seeing! this is terrible! i've tried very hard not to get attached to anyone since breaking up with the ex. he was so horrible to me and left me utterly brokenhearted. hence the night time friends. no strings, just fun times and LOTS of sex. i am honestly quite scared about this whole situation. i don't know if  i'm ready to be in a relationship with anyone and don't want to turn into a clingy, jealous, suspicious girlfriend just because of things that have happened in past relationships. i predict i will probably self sabotage things with this dude so he can't hurt me first. BLERG!

- pussy galore

Friday, November 26, 2010


Alright, so my last two posts were so angry and bewildered that I had to delete them.  I've calmed down.  As god as my witness, I'm going to update this shit with something good SOON.  All I've got now is a new Pop Pop.* 

Young Pop?**

Alright dudes, Claptrap OUT.

*Just so we all know, Pop Pop was this dude I hung out with before I left SF.  He's a pretty famous artist I think, well known in SF, and a bartender at one of my favorite bars.  He was also short, kind of fat, had a shit ton of terrible tattoos, wasn't very good looking and was old as fuck (38).  POP POP. 

**Young Pop is almost exactly like the OG Pop Pop, but 28 and I think he's British?  His accent was funny.


Wednesday, November 17, 2010

the mystery of the butthole

what is the dudes obsessions with butt fucking and buttholes in general? i cannot STAND things in and or around my butthole. SERIOUSLY. don't finger it, don't lick it, don't fuck it. i mean unless i just took a shower and that shit is sparkling clean i don't want you to lick it and then try to kiss me. nor do i want you to finger it and then have your finger smelling like poo. am i being a giant prude here? i mean some girls are into it right? and A LOT of guys are into butt fucking. WHY? someone please explain!!!!!

-pussy galore

Saturday, November 6, 2010

to date or not to date

when you first start seeing someone, how do you know when are guys are officially "dating"? is it right from the get go, or after a certain period of time, say two or three months? or is it only after you guys have had "THE TALK" and the dude asks you to be his girlfriend? (btw, girls cant ask dudes to be their boyfriends. its just unheard of really.) what is the difference between "hanging out" and "dating"? is there any? the only difference i can think of, is that when you are dating someone you aren't supposed to fuck around with other people. when you're hanging out, its pretty fair game. isn't that the universal understanding, or did i make that up in my head?

me and main piece are definitely just hanging out. i think, at least in MY mind. i mean i've had my fair share of play while we've been together. refer to here and here. HA. BUT i don't consider this to be cheating or anything of the sort because 1) we've only been seeing each other for a month, and 2) we haven't had any sort of discussion where we acknowledge that we're only sleeping with each other. thus i consider us to be only hanging out. he's definitely more than a night time friend though. we actually go on dates and hang out during the day, which you do not do with a night time friend. they are strictly for booty calls.

the other night we were hanging out and he casually mentioned something about us DATING. eek! it went something like, i was telling him how itchy my face was from his cat, and he said something like, well i'm sorry you're dating a guy who owns one. REWIND! WE'RE DATING NOW? WTF. when did this happen? i didn't say any of this out loud of course because i didn't want have THAT discussion right then. but in my head alarm bells and red flags were going off.

HE considers us to be dating? hmm...does it mean something more casual to him then it does to me? i would not mind if he slept with other girls. it's only fair. but does he think i'm not sleeping with other dudes? he hasn't asked and i don't want to ask him because then i'll have to tell him about side piece (who i actually went out of town to go visit last week!) and then he might decide he doesn't want to see me anymore. or he might want us to be exclusive and then i would have to give up side piece. either situation is lose/lose. i want it ALL! BLERG! i don't want to lie and i dont want to lead someone on but as of right now that seems to be what is happening. WHAT TO DO?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

to be continued....

-pussy galore

UPDATE 11.22 - so dude has not called me for daaaaaaaaaaaays! i asked him out to dinner on thursday and he said he was visiting his mom in the east bay, could he take a raincheck? friday, saturday, sunday, monday...and i have not heard a single peep from this dude! WTF. i am extrememly butt hurt here. this is what happens when you actually like someone. it never works out. AND i am pretty sure he didn't lose his phone this time! I HATE BOYS!!!!!!!! i am sticking to night time friends with no emotional attachment what so ever. i am going to go cry in a corner now.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Wise words from CLAPTRAP on the fine art of $$$$$$$$$$.

Ok dudes, real simple.

If it's a dude you're just fucking casually and have no interest in a long term deal with, NEVER PAY FOR DINNER.  Why?  Please refer back to this blog about how your VAGINA IS PAYMENT ENOUGH.

If it's a dude that you actually LIKE and want to see on a regular and consistent basis, by all means, split meals and pay for his ass.

However, you gotta know where the dude stands too.  If you're getting nothing but shitbird vibes from him, DO NOT PAY.  If he's a fancyboy in all other ways, then pay for his ass once in a while.


- Claptrap

 Edit:  Oh shit!  First blog post of November.