Thursday, October 28, 2010

This blog is SF vs. NYC, dammit!

And the NYC half of this blog is now starting to pack her shit so she can finally MOVE to NYC.

But what's this?  What do I find while I'm organizing my stuff to move?


That's right.  Earlier this year I dated this super nasty dude.  You may know him as the guy from this blog and also from this one.  He was super filthy and into kinky shit, which is FINE, until he rolled over to my house one night with a little gift box full of flavored lubes (the man had a porno dick and kept trying to get me to deep throat him, and insisted that flavored lubes would make it easier.  wtf????) and THESE GUYS.

The more I move stuff, the more crap I leave on the street.  Every day, people stop by and ask to take whatever I'm throwing away.  I wonder if I left these on the street, if someone would take them?  Social experiment??  I'm going to leave these on the street and see how long it takes before someone snags them.  HELL YES. 

- Claptrap.

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